

Temperatures range from 175°F to 193°F, with humidity ranging from 5% to 25%.

Cold Shower & Plunge

Cold Shower & Plunge

Cold shower temperatures range from 40°F to 62°F. Plunge temperatures range from 45°F to 48°F.



Rest and rehydrate before you start your next round. Enjoy heated chairs and space to connect with others or your own stillness.

When does Sauna House Durham open?

We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

Why is Sauna House phone-free?

We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

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We want to get to know you! We’re looking for artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more to join our Durham Hot-Cold-Relax community.

Book a single visit or make it a ritual

Explore Memberships

Save money and sauna more with memberships. Enjoy perks like discounted beverages, buddy discounts, special pricing for other services, and more.

Bathhouse Memberships
2 visits/month $65 /month $32.50 /visit
4 visits/month $115/month $28.85/visit
8 visits/month $195/month $24.38/visit
15 visits/month $300/month $20.00/visit
Infrared Memberships
2 visits/month $65 /month $32.50 /visit
4 visits/month $115/month $28.85/visit
8 visits/month $195/month $24.38/visit


Calling all artists, creatives, gardeners, community leaders, athletes, yogis and more! We want to get to know you



This can be anything and updated often. Deals, discounts, and more

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