A sauna and cold therapy experience — at your own pace, uninterrupted
Our private Hot-Cold-Relax Rooms have a wet sauna, cold plunge, & red light therapy just for you (and your friends)
Whether you’re flying solo or bringing a friend or two, we designed the Private Hot-Cold-Relax Rooms to be quiet, meditative oases where you can leave the noisy outside world behind. This is where you are in control of your hot and cold therapy. You’ll find all the amenities of the bathhouse in your own space.
Experience & amenities in private Hot-Cold-Relax rooms
Choose one of our Sauna House locations whether you are in Asheville, Durham, or Charlotte, when you arrive, we’ll show you to your room with provided storage for your earthly belongings. Fresh towels and chill vibes will be waiting for you. Then, hit the showers and give yourself a good scrub to remove any products or fragrances and help protect the natural wood in the saunas.

Sweat it all out in the traditional wet sauna
Sweat it all out in the traditional wet sauna
Experience the rush, relaxation and all the healthful benefits of the wet sauna. We recommend a 15-minute session, but of course, listen to your body’s internal clock. Some sauna tips: the higher the bench, the hotter the temperature. Adding a ladle of water to the sauna rocks will also increase humidity and intensify the experience.

Hit the ice bath & experince a rush like no other
Our ideal cold plunge is 3 minutes, but it may take some practice to be physically and mentally comfortable enough to go that long. It’s a practice, and over time, you’ll figure out what works best for you. To maximize the positive effects of cold water therapy, full body exposure is best – so dip those shoulders! Take some deep, grounding breaths to sink in and let that fabulous rush of happy chemicals wash over your brain and body.
It’s more than just a good feeling – saunas and cold water therapy are proven to help heal your body & mind
All over the world, people have used getting sweaty and getting chilly to elevate the human experience and bring healing. Modern science has just recently caught on to the impact of these age-old rituals, and there’s still so much more to discover.

Brain & Cognitive Function
Sauna therapy increases blood flow to the brain, and this has a profound impact. According to one study, men who used the sauna frequently had a 65% reduced risk of developing Alzheimer's disease. This reduction in risk is thought to be related to the various physiological changes induced by sauna use, such as improved cardiovascular function, reduced inflammation, and increased production of protective proteins like heat shock proteins.
While you’re in the sauna, your nerve cells release neurotrophic factor proteins (like BDNF) that jumpstart brain stem cells to produce new neurons. BDNF is a major mediator of neuroplasticity. It increases the growth of new brain cells and the survival of existing ones, which is important for forging new connections in your brain as well as solidifying long-term memories. Low BDNF has been linked with both chronic fatigue syndrome and depression.


Healthy Skin

Cardiovascular Health


Recovery & Pain

Immune System